122 research outputs found

    From Smart Cities To Playable Cities. Towards Playful Intelligence In The Urban Environment

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    In the last decade, we have seen the rise of urban play as a tool for community building, and city-making and Western society is actively focusing on play/playfulness and intelligent systems as a way to approach complex challenges and emergent situations. In this paper, we aim to initiate a dialogue between game scholars and architects. Like many creative professions, we believe that the architectural practice may benefit significantly from having more design methodologies at hand, thus improving lateral thinking. We aim at providing new conceptual and operative tools to discuss and reflect on how games and smart systems facilitate long-term the shift from the Smart Cities to the Playable one, where citizens/players have the opportunity to hack the city and use the smart city’s data and digital technology for their purposes to reactivate the urban environment

    New generation infrastructures to rebuild the urban space: from the European city to the Iranian one

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    As days goes by the progressive crisis that grips contemporary cities seems to be unstoppable. As architects we have the need for a new set of strong and revolutionary actions, that could completely change the link between architecture and city and introduce new enzymes intended to raise and develop, in order to invert the development direction. This is a worldwide situation not only located in one specific place but that invests both the European and Islamic city and shows how we need to develop a common strategy, a mutual manifesto of intents to stop this decaying process and to modify the space in which we live in, related to a machinist vision of the world that we are often obliged to accept. The paper focuses on infrastructures as the key for the future development of contemporary cities and explains how the growth of the urban fabric has always been strictly connected to the role of its infrastructures and has to start again from them to operate a proper paradigm shift. This contribution illustrates, with many examples, the history and conception of new generation infrastructures, a multifunctional and multitasking typology completely different from the linear and monotasking ones developed under the industrial age, and deeply analyse the development of a specific type of them: the inhabited bridge, which is seen as a strong element of connection between Europe (specifically Italy) and Iran. Furthermore, the city of Tehran is seen as a virtuous example of how these new architecture artifacts can change the city’s shape and be the starting point, for contemporary architects, to develop new operative categories. At the end of the text a direct experience of a design workshop on the infrastructure theme made by the author in Iran, being part of a multicultural team, is reported


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    Following a consolidated tradition since the first number of the journal, the 16th of Archi-DOCT is the result of a call for contribution focused on one single word “Urbanities”. When we were discussing the direction that we wanted to give to this issue, we concluded that we aimed to focus its critical slant - through a specific call to action to the schools of architectures and their students - towards a new interest concerning the multiple scales and resolutions of the so-called urban dimension. During the last decades, centralized planning - as a result of the Modernist heritage - fostered the implementation of top-down hierarchic processes that despite the political and ideological background led the city to be suffering phenomena such as sprawling, undefined expansions, and the emergence of the alleged “urban voids” (that aroused a new matrix of problems and issues to be tackled. Whether we refer to Rome, Tirana, Valencia, Athens, or any contemporary metropolis, these criticalities are far from being solved and, even less, we are close to defining a methodological approach that could suggest effective strategies to proactively remedy this condition. For this, we have been interested in collecting inputs from our authors in order to set the scene so that everyone could tell a specific story and personally question the keyword we choose

    Dorotea, the city, can be different: urban projects in Rome based on the seminal role of infrastructures

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    This paper offers a semiotic perspective of the city as an enunciation of different signs in which contemporary projects (the alleged urbanities) play a fundamental role in resemantizing the urban environment. Such design outcomes allow us to understand the city as a hypotactic complex system, not created then only by the simple juxtaposition of elements, but intended as the results of multiple primary and secondary intertwined narrations. The work adopts a structuralist-based approach to the topic where the examples presented act on two combinatory levels: a first one, where each of them maintains its autonomy and functions as an independent predicate, and a second one where the importance relies on the structural system in a dyachronic perspective. What we argue for is the possibility for architects to promote a bottom-up incremental design strategy in the urban enviroment to trigger sustainable urban transformation processes. Moreover, through the specific experience of the authors in the Tevere Cavo project, the papers aims to demonstrate the importance of multitasking interactive spaces and new generation infrastructures for the revitalization and re-activation of the abandoned urban spaces using the city of Rome as object of such investigation

    L'attività ludica come strategia progettuale. Regole e libertà per una grammatica del gioco in architettura

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    Con questa dissertazione ci si pone l’obiettivo di approfondire ed analizzare le possibilità dell’attività ludica, delle pratiche legate al gioco e a tutte le forme che esso può assumere nell’elaborazione di nuove strategie progettuali.Con il concetto di gioco intendiamo, non solamente lo svolgimento di un’azione che provochi divertimento o piacere, ma qualcosa di antecedente alla cultura stessa; cultura intesa non come semplice accumulo di nozioni a cui attingere, ma come proposizione creativa in costante ridefinizione di sè, una vera e propria capacità di orientamento, che basandosi sulla comprensione critica del passato, guarda alla costruzione del futuro (Saggio 2016). È proprio grazie alla pratica ludica, infatti, che la cultura si forma e ogni volta si trimescola, intessendo nuovi rapporti tra gruppi sociali differenti e oltrepassando i limiti dell’attività biologica. Giocare costituisce una progressiva opera di decontestualizzazione e ricontestualizzazione della materia che compone la realtà stessa, concorre nella creazione di un immaginario collettivo e di spazi possibili (playscape) nei quali l’attività ludica trova la sua piena soddisfazione, sempre in equilibrio tra le regole, che ne creano lo scenario, il campo da gioco senza cui l’intensità del gioco non potrebbe esistere, e le libertà che, come atto creativo guidato all’immaginazione, rendono il gioco mutevole, dinamico e interattivo. L’idea di gioco, quindi, è sempre nella giusta relazione tra le sue componenti cardine che rendono l’attività ludica un evento dalla connotazione fortemente narrativa: ci riferiamo al play, che racchiude in sé l’idea di performance e improvvisazione, e il game, il set di regole conosciute e riconosciute. E’ possibile pensare inoltre che esista una componente isomorfica tra attività ludica e formazione dello spazio fisico, la quale, tramite l’azione architettonica, può trovare un suo modus operandi e concorrere alla creazione di nuovi paesaggi mentali che acquistino forma e materia in nuove spazialità che reifichino e rendano evidenti queste correlazioni. A conferma di ciò, la barriera che separa il gioco dalla realtà quotidiana si è fatta negli ultimi decenni sempre più porosa e aperta a molteplici commistioni. Questo ha dato il via ad operazioni di ludicizzazione che, attraverso operazioni di “gamification urbana”, puntano a riscrivere il tessuto urbano mediante l’uso dei giochi, digitali e non, suggeriscono nuove socialità, nuove chiavi di lettura e di valorizzazione e nuove strategie di rivitalizzazione degli spazi urbani. Giocare diventa, quindi, strumento fondamentale per agire nei tessuti delle nostre città: trasforma i cittadini in giocatori, traccia nuovi percorsi e proietta nuovi sguardi sulla realtà

    L'attività ludica come strategia progettuale. Regole e libertà per una grammatica del gioco in architettura

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    Con questa dissertazione ci si pone l’obiettivo di approfondire ed analizzare le possibilità dell’attività ludica, delle pratiche legate al gioco e a tutte le forme che esso può assumere nell’elaborazione di nuove strategie progettuali.Con il concetto di gioco intendiamo, non solamente lo svolgimento di un’azione che provochi divertimento o piacere, ma qualcosa di antecedente alla cultura stessa; cultura intesa non come semplice accumulo di nozioni a cui attingere, ma come proposizione creativa in costante ridefinizione di sè, una vera e propria capacità di orientamento, che basandosi sulla comprensione critica del passato, guarda alla costruzione del futuro (Saggio 2016). È proprio grazie alla pratica ludica, infatti, che la cultura si forma e ogni volta si trimescola, intessendo nuovi rapporti tra gruppi sociali differenti e oltrepassando i limiti dell’attività biologica. Giocare costituisce una progressiva opera di decontestualizzazione e ricontestualizzazione della materia che compone la realtà stessa, concorre nella creazione di un immaginario collettivo e di spazi possibili (playscape) nei quali l’attività ludica trova la sua piena soddisfazione, sempre in equilibrio tra le regole, che ne creano lo scenario, il campo da gioco senza cui l’intensità del gioco non potrebbe esistere, e le libertà che, come atto creativo guidato all’immaginazione, rendono il gioco mutevole, dinamico e interattivo. L’idea di gioco, quindi, è sempre nella giusta relazione tra le sue componenti cardine che rendono l’attività ludica un evento dalla connotazione fortemente narrativa: ci riferiamo al play, che racchiude in sé l’idea di performance e improvvisazione, e il game, il set di regole conosciute e riconosciute. E’ possibile pensare inoltre che esista una componente isomorfica tra attività ludica e formazione dello spazio fisico, la quale, tramite l’azione architettonica, può trovare un suo modus operandi e concorrere alla creazione di nuovi paesaggi mentali che acquistino forma e materia in nuove spazialità che reifichino e rendano evidenti queste correlazioni. A conferma di ciò, la barriera che separa il gioco dalla realtà quotidiana si è fatta negli ultimi decenni sempre più porosa e aperta a molteplici commistioni. Questo ha dato il via ad operazioni di ludicizzazione che, attraverso operazioni di “gamification urbana”, puntano a riscrivere il tessuto urbano mediante l’uso dei giochi, digitali e non, suggeriscono nuove socialità, nuove chiavi di lettura e di valorizzazione e nuove strategie di rivitalizzazione degli spazi urbani. Giocare diventa, quindi, strumento fondamentale per agire nei tessuti delle nostre città: trasforma i cittadini in giocatori, traccia nuovi percorsi e proietta nuovi sguardi sulla realtà

    Tirana: la nuova vita della Piramide di Hoxha

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    Se guardiamo oggi alla città, ci si trova davanti alla realtà di una capitale fatta di 111 anni, caratterizzata da una commistione di epoche e linguaggi (ottomano, italiano, realista-socialista e, negli ultimi anni, contemporaneo), accostati in una dimensione urbana contenuta, di circa 1.100 kmq e 900.000 abitanti, ancora organizzata prevalentemente attorno al centro storico con piazza Scanderbeg e alle direttrici viarie verso le città di Kavaja, Dibra e Durazzo. Tra frammenti di quartieri di origine ottomana e opere moderniste sopravvissute alla corsa verso il contemporaneo di una nazione in continua tensione tra sviluppo economico e salvaguardia della memoria, a definire le assialità della metropoli è ancora oggi il suo boulevard monumentale “Martiri della Nazione” (Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit). Lungo 1.060 m, collega in direzione nord-sud la centrale piazza Scanderbeg fino all’ex Casa del Fascio, oggi sede dell’Università Politecnica. [...

    Localized (solitary) fibrous tumors of the pleura: An analysis of 15 patients

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    AbstractBackgroundLocalized fibrous tumors of the pleura (LFTPs) are rare neoplasms, which are considered to originate from submesothelial connective tissue. The aim of this article is to present 15 new cases because of their different clinical behaviors and to discuss the treatment of choice of such neoplasms.MethodsThe records of 15 consecutive patients with LFTP operated at our Institution between 1995 and 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. Diagnostic procedures, clinical courses, and outcomes of these patients were studied. Total excision through a thoracotomy was performed in all patients. Neoplasms were considered to be malignant if one or more of the following histologic features were present: increasing mitotic activity; high cellularity with crowding and overlapping of nuclei; necrosis; and pleomorphism.ResultsNo operative mortality was reported. The mean follow-up time was 76 months. Malignant transformation was seen in 1 patient 26 months after resection of a benign tumor. Six cases were pathologically considered to be malignant: 2 patients developed local recurrence. One of these underwent redo-surgery and required pneumonectomy; in the other one surgery is not indicated because at the time of diagnosis the patient was 85 years. Currently, all patients are alive and 13 disease-free.ConclusionsFor histologically benign tumors, because of the risk of recurrence and malignant transformation, complete surgical resection is indicated and long-term follow-up is recommended in all patients. For malignant cases, complete surgical resection may be insufficient for the cure: further study should be performed to identify reliable prognostic factors to indicate and evaluate the effectiveness of systemic treatment

    Evaluation of Proton-Induced Biomolecular Changes in MCF-10A Breast Cells by Means of FT-IR Microspectroscopy

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    Radiotherapy (RT) with accelerated beams of charged particles (protons and carbon ions), also known as hadrontherapy, is a treatment modality that is increasingly being adopted thanks to the several benefits that it grants compared to conventional radiotherapy (CRT) treatments performed by means of high-energy photons/electrons. Hence, information about the biomolecular effects in exposed cells caused by such particles is needed to better realize the underlying radiobiological mechanisms and to improve this therapeutic strategy. To this end, Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (-FT-IR) can be usefully employed, in addition to long-established radiobiological techniques, since it is currently considered a helpful tool for examining radiation-induced cellular changes. In the present study, MCF-10A breast cells were chosen to evaluate the effects of proton exposure using -FT-IR. They were exposed to different proton doses and fixed at various times after exposure to evaluate direct effects due to proton exposure and the kinetics of DNA damage repair. Irradiated and control cells were examined in transflection mode using low-e substrates that have been recently demonstrated to offer a fast and direct way to examine proton-exposed cells. The acquired spectra were analyzed using a deconvolution procedure and a ratiometric approach, both of which showed the different contributions of DNA, protein, lipid, and carbohydrate cell components. These changes were particularly significant for cells fixed 48 and 72 h after exposure. Lipid changes were related to variations in membrane fluidity, and evidence of DNA damage was highlighted. The analysis of the Amide III band also indicated changes that could be related to different enzyme contributions in DNA repair

    FT-IR Transflection Micro-Spectroscopy Study on Normal Human Breast Cells after Exposure to a Proton Beam

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    Fourier transform infrared micro-spectroscopy (mu-FT-IR) is nowadays considered a valuable tool for investigating the changes occurring in human cells after exposure to ionizing radiation. Recently, considerable attention has been devoted to the use of this optical technique in the study of cells exposed to proton beams, that are being increasingly adopted in cancer therapy. Different experimental configurations are used for proton irradiation and subsequent spectra acquisition. To facilitate the use of mu-FT-IR, it may be useful to investigate new experimental approaches capable of speeding up and simplifying the irradiation and measurements phases. Here, we propose the use of low-e-substrates slides for cell culture, allowing the irradiation and spectra acquisition in transflection mode in a fast and direct way. In recent years, there has been a wide debate about the validity of these supports, but many researchers agree that the artifacts due to the presence of the electromagnetic standing wave effects are negligible in many practical cases. We investigated human normal breast cells (MCF-10 cell line) fixed immediately after the irradiation with graded proton radiation doses (0, 0.5, 2, and 4 Gy). The spectra obtained in transflection geometry showed characteristics very similar to those present in the spectra acquired in transmission geometry and confirm the validity of the chosen approach. The analysis of spectra indicates the occurrence of significant changes in DNA and lipids components of cells. Modifications in protein secondary structure are also evidenced